Wednesday, October 30, 2019
New Physics and Chemistry Discovered at the CERN's Large Hadron Research Paper - 1
New Physics and Chemistry Discovered at the CERN's Large Hadron Collider - Research Paper Example ATLAS: A Toroidal LHC Apparatus, records measurements for the results of particle collisions. It tracks what particles are created and destroyed in a given collision, and the path of travel and energy for those particles (â€Å"CERN - LHC Experiments: ATLAS†). They are both considered general-purpose detectors. The experiments were performed using them focus on the search for the Higgs boson and the substance known as dark matter (â€Å"CERN - LHC Experiments: ATLAS†; â€Å"CERN - LHC Experiments: CMS†). Both pieces of equipment are needed in order to study the Higgs boson due to its extremely elusive nature. Mathematical and physical proof aa â€Å"light†Higgs boson would require the results of the experiments to agree on both pieces of equipment, and for each experiment to have consistent results across several experimental states each very different from one another (Froidevaux & Sphicas). CMS: Compact Muon Solenoid, has the same research goals as ATLAS, but it has different technical specifications to achieve those goals, especially with regard to the design of the magnet system within the equipment (â€Å"CERN - LHC Experiments: CMS†). The CMS has been designed to detect the presence of â€Å"missing†energy, which could indicate the presence of stable but weakly-interacting particles, such as energetic neutrinos. This missing energy occurs when the particle moves in the same direction as the beam pipe and so cannot be detected.
Monday, October 28, 2019
International Quality Certification Essay Example for Free
International Quality Certification Essay Quality certification or product qualification is the process of certifying that a certain product has passed performance tests and quality assurance tests, and meets qualification criteria stipulated in contracts, regulations, or specifications (typically called certification schemes in the product certification industry). These standards provide a general framework to the assessing authority to assess a company’s Quality Management System. The term quality management has a specific meaning within many business sectors. This specific definition, which does not aim to assure good quality by the more general definition, but rather to ensure that an organization or product is consistent, can be considered to have four main components: quality planning, quality control, quality assurance and quality improvement. [1] Quality management is focused not only on product/service quality, but also the means to achieve it. Quality management therefore uses quality assurance and control of processes as well as products to achieve more consistent quality. ISO (International Organization for Standardization) The International Organization for Standardization widely known as ISO, is an international standard-setting body composed of representatives from various national standards organizations. Founded on February 23, 1947, the organization promotes worldwide proprietary, industrial, and commercial standards. It has its headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland. ISO is a voluntary organization whose members are recognized authorities on standards, each one representing one country. ISOs main products are international standards. ISO also publishes technical reports, technical specifications, publicly available specifications, technical corrigenda, and guides. ISO has 162 national members, out of the 205total countries in the world. ISO (International Organization for Standardization) is the world’s largest developer of voluntary International Standards. International Standards give state of the art specifications for products, services and good practice, helping to make industry more efficient and effective. Developed through global consensus, they help to break down barriers to international trade.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Demonstrated Effectiveness of Training within the Workplace to Improve
The Quality Management Plan at Club Nova reflects two core quality improvement plans: House Cleanliness and Employee Retention. Club Nova collects member and staff satisfaction data at least semi-annually in order to analyze that data and to make headway in finding a remedy for these two issues. Alas, no solution has been found. Staff turnover rate is at an all-time high, with 6 of 10 staff having left Club Nova since July 2011. For the members, I recognize that losing valued and favored staff will result in decreased member participation and attendance, strained interactions with new staff, and overall dissatisfaction with the functioning of Club Nova. My solution is simple. Club Nova should invest in its staff. According to Nowack’s research (2011), 42.6% of those within his study reported that career growth and learning opportunities were a significant factor in their continued employment at a given job. Staff who are more knowledgeable about the Clubhouse Model and who receive various on-going training will operate a more efficient program, will experience less frustrations in dealing with the organizational style within Club Nova, and will enjoy their work significantly more thereby reducing staff turnover and improving member satisfaction. Which Staff & Members Do We Offer Training? Club Nova is a unique environment in which all members and staff function along-side each other to complete the tasks during the work-ordered day. Trainings should not be any different in this model. Tanvir, Hussain, & Janjua, (2011) defined training as the â€Å"attainment of the skill, ideas and attitudes to obtain the desired performance and results.†Given that the responsibilities of the day fall on both members and staff, each pe... ...nd Stress.†Envisia Learning, Olivero, G., Bane, K., & Kopelman, R. (1997). â€Å"Executive coaching as a transfer of training tool: effects on productivity in a public agency.†Public Personnel Management, 26(4), 461-469. â€Å"Schedule,†Retrieved from Smith, A., Oczkowski, E., & Smith, C. (2011). To have and to hold: Modelling the drivers of employee turnover and skill retention in Australian Organisations. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 22(2), 395-416. doi:10.1080/09585192.2011.540162 Tanvir, M., Hussain, A., & Janjua, S. (2011). A Remedy based Concept: Impact of Encounter Service, Culture and Employees Training on Customers Satisfaction of Hospitality Industry. Interdisciplinary Journal of Contemporary Research In Business, 3(2), 1237-1247.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Free Julius Caesar Essays: Marcus Brutus :: Julius Caesar Essays
Marcus Brutus in The Tragedy of Julius Caesar  Caesar was the powerful ruler of Rome. One of his dearest friends was a man named Marcus Brutus. Brutus was a loyal friend, and was always true to his country. But when Brutus is facing a dilemma in which case he is torn between the life of his friend and what is better for the city of Rome. With Brutus being a true Roman he chooses the death of his friend. With Brutus joining the conspirators, who are plotting against Caesar, they are now even more powerful and can influence the people easier. While all the conspirators stab Caesar in the back, Brutus is the only one to stab Caesar face to face. Marc Antony, Ocatavius, and Lepidus take over the triumvirate. Brutus and Cuis Cassuis took their troops in against Antony and his troops. This will be where Brutus’ death and tragic flaw take place.            While at camp Brutus and Cassius get into an argument leading to Cassuis saying he shall kill himself. After that in solved Brutus heads to bed. In the middle of the night he wakes up to the ghost of Julius. Caesar tells his old friend â€Å"Though shalt see me at Philippi.† Brutus is startled by this and isn’t sure what was meant by this. Will Caesar live again or is this some kind of omen. Brutus and his troops March to Philippi. After Cassuis dies, Brutus and his troops are winning, although Brutus don’t realize it. Brutus decides to take the cowards way out of this and kill himself, rather than be drug through the streets of Rome. Strato holds out his sword as Brutus runs about and kills himself.            Brutus’ tragic flaw in all of this was he was too loyal to Rome and to his friend Caesar at the same time. After killing Caesar he wasn’t sure if he had done the right thing. And then when after Antony spoke at the funeral and turned all of the people from Rome against Brutus, things started to go downhill for our hero. Then during the battle when he thought he was defeated, and committed suicide, his flaw was complete.            Brutus was a man loyal to his country. He was very modest and did what he though was right. Although he can be swayed by other people, like the planted letters, he still thinks and acts on his own.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
End of Slavery in the United States in 1870 Essay
The article explained how slavery, which has been one of the most sensitive issues in America, came to an end in the United States after more than 250 years of human exploitation. Basically, slavery in the country began after colonists from England settled in America in 1607. Back then, the majority of the slaves were of African-American descent or blacks but some were also Native Americans as this racial basis was upheld by the courts during the 18th century (Wikipedia. org). From the 16th to the 19th century, an estimated 12 million black Africans were transferred to both North and South America and 645,000 were shipped to the United States. Although slavery is viewed as an inhuman and immoral act today, it greatly enhanced the productivity of the United States in various sectors. This was a period wherein the agricultural sector such as cotton producers blossomed and greatly contributed to the wealth of America, mainly due to the extensive labor being imposed on the African-American slaves (Wikepedia. org). However, the American Civil War, which was conflict between the Confederate states and the Federal government of the U. S or a battle between a side that favored the expansion of slavery and the side that opposed it, respectively, signaled the end of slavery. The war, which lasted from 1861 to 1865 and was the deadliest in the history of America, effectively ended slavery and led to the Reconstruction era, which saw the reunion of all states and the restoration of peace (Wikipedia. org). Moreover, the passage of Thirteenth Amendment to the U. S. Constitution in December 1865 made any form of slavery illegal. By 1870, all slaves were freed from their masters and were given due rights (Wikipedia. org) For me, slavery is one of the most inhumane acts a person could do to another human being as it is like treating him or her like some form of property. It is also highly discriminative and denies a person his or her basic rights. Considering the circumstances of the history of slavery in the United States, it was clear that one of the bases for making a person a slave is his or her skin color. Historically, almost all the slaves were non-whites or those who belong to the black race. For example, if a person is of African-American descent the rest of society back then would view him or her as someone inferior and undeserving of the rights afforded to the white race. In my view, this is a highly narrow way of viewing and treating any kind of person as a whole. The basis of judging a person should never be on the color of his or her skin. For that matter, the criteria promoting an employee and accepting an applicant to a university should also never include his or her skin color and race. It is important for society to accept the fact that the world is diverse and should not discriminate against others just because their skin color is different. Doing so would avoid the petty conflicts concerning differences in race and color that are still widespread all across the glob. Moreover, although slavery in the United States was a highly deplorable act, I believe it was an important part of the country’s history as it exposed to the entire world the harsh realities of human exploitation. It basically opened the eyes of people around the world and enabled them to build a better nation while keeping in mind the mistakes of the past. In short, the country’s bad history of slavery allowed the good things to come out. Taking everything into consideration and based on the statements and facts mentioned above, it can then be deduced that slavery, in any form or kind, is an immoral act that degrades the dignity of a person. It is important to keep in mind that the slaves, no matter what their skin color is, are still human beings and should therefore enjoy the rights that other people enjoy. The lesson learned from slavery should also apply to everyday situations of discrimination and racism, among many others. Works Cited â€Å"Slavery in the United States. †2008. Wikipedia. org. 10 December 2008 .
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
History of Hospitals Essays
History of Hospitals Essays History of Hospitals Essay History of Hospitals Essay Hospitals originated in the 17th century primarily as an institution to provide housing and basic healthcare for the poor. It provided a haven to quarantine individuals to prevent the spread of highly contagious diseases. The technologies and vaccinations available did not allow for the comprehensive care we rely on today. Those who could afford clinical care would pay doctors and nurses to provide services in their home. In the early 19th century, as industrial cities became more populated, the demand for clinical and institutional care grew. Medical technology and scientific innovation made ambulatory healthcare available, yet there was not enough capital to support building large institutions viable to facilitate it. Religious organizations, philanthropists, and local governments built private and public institutions designed to deliver ambulatory, inpatient, and emergency care to local populations. By the beginning of the 20th century, hospitals became capable for research, development, and scientific discovery. Facilities became very large, housing and treating patients as well as facilitating medical research. Modern hospitals now provide clinical care to the most complex and critically ill patients while researching, innovating, and advancing medical technology. With increasing demand for treatment of chronic care, as well as the advancements in acute ambulatory care, modern hospitals have integrated vertically and horizontally to diversify their brand and provide an umbrella of accountability as an Integrated Delivery System. After World War II, managed care entered the marketplace. Insurance companies began to contract with hospital groups and Integrated Delivery Systems to provide comprehensive insurance and healthcare delivery, all centered around a hospital or group of hospitals. Hospitals have become a catalyst to the industry, providing the most intensive and critical care to the people who need it most. These institutions have provided a refuge for the sickest and poorest individuals in the community who would be left without care otherwise. Integrated Delivery Systems have been established, promoting corporate investment by mitigating risk, easing the burden on non-profit public hospitals funded by government entities and religious organizations. Vertical integration provides a wide range of delivery rather than one specialty, assuming greater risk leading to innovative relationships with patients and payers. Horizontal integration streamlines processes, provides greater economies of scale, and provides a solid foundation for larger delivery systems. Hospitals have been invaluable to the industry since the 17th century. However, the cost of hospital care has grown dramatically in the past 50 years, and the sources of revenue have shifted from private funding and health insurance to federal programs such as Medicare and Medicaid. Medicare accounts for nearly a third of all hospital expenditures, whose fee schedules and DRG payment model do not promote quality, preventative care. The decrease in the number of large hospitals over the past few decades has yielded to a growth in smaller, for-profit specialty hospitals which places a greater burden on community hospitals that provide costly emergency and complex care. The Hill-Burton Act of 1946 provided federal funding for hospitals in middle and lower class areas with caveats and regulations for how care was delivered. Hospitals that received funding were required to provide uncompensated care to those who could not afford it, placing a large burden of risk to the facility. The Public Service Health Act reinforced these regulations by broadening the scope of â€Å"inability to pay†, leading to an increase in lawsuits and administrative costs to the already large hospital budgets. Lean management with implementation in information technology are key to hospitals’ future success as a cornerstone to integrated delivery systems. In order for hospitals to be effective as we progress into the 21st century, a building structure should facilitate individual doctors in performing their various activities. But at the same time, it must not complicate the indispensable cooperation and communication between specialists and multidisciplinary diagnosis and treatment of patients. Structure must contribute to efficiency and transparency of processes involving different patient categories, but without fragmenting the work processes of doctors too much and decentralizing technology to an unmanageable scale (Geisler et al 158). References Geisler, Eliezer, Koos Krabbendam, and Roel Schuring. Technology, Health Care, and Management in the Hospital of the Future. Greenwood Publishing Group, 2003. 158. eBook. Williams, Stephen J. Introduction to Health Services. 7th ed. Clifton Park, NY: Thomson Delmar Learning, 2008. 183-97. Print.
Monday, October 21, 2019
Moringa Oleifera †The Miracle Tree
Moringa Oleifera – The Miracle Tree Free Online Research Papers Moringa oleifera, commonly referred to simply as Moringa, is the most widely cultivated species of the genus Moringa. Moringa is the only genus in the family Moringaceae. Moringa oleifera is a nutritious vegetable tree with a variety of potential uses. Every part of the Moringa Oleifera tree, from the roots to the leaves has beneficial properties that can serve humanity. Moringa oleifera trees have been used to combat malnutrition, especially among infants and nursing mothers. Leaves can be eaten fresh, cooked, or stored as dried powder for many months without refrigeration, and reportedly without loss of nutritional value. Though we take a healthy food, it may lack in one or few nutrients required by our body. If the Moringa is taken as supplement by us then the bioavailability of the nutrient will be more and the body will be nourished with the required nutrients. Moringa oleifera powder has Vitamin A Beta Carotene, Thiamine, Riboflavin, Niacin, Pyrodixine, Biotin, Ascorbic Acid, Cholecalciferol, Tocopherol and Vitamin K. Moringa oleifera powder is rich in vitamin to the extent that it is one of the richest plant sources of Vitamin. The Minerals present in Moringa oleifera is abundant and few of the main minerals include Calcium, Copper, Iron, Potassium, Magnesium, Manganese and Zinc. All these minerals are needed for the proper functioning of the body. These vitamins and minerals present in Moringa oleifera improve the nutrient level in the body. Moringa oleifera, with 90+ nutrients, is the best source to nourish the body with the essential nutrients. Moringa oleifera contains more than 46 antioxidants helps to prevent the free radical accumulation in our body. Moringa oleifera has 7 times the vitamin C found in oranges which is required by our body to strengthen our immune system and fights infectious diseases including colds and flu. Moringa oleifera has 4 times the calcium found in milk which helps to build up strong bones and teeth calcium s very important, this helps to prevent osteoporosis. Moringa oleifera contains 4 times the Vitamin A found in carrots which acts as a shield against diseases of the eyes, skin and heart, diarrhea, and many other ailments. Moringa oleifera has 3 times the potassium found in bananas where Potassium is essential for the brain and nerves. Moringa oleifera contains 2 times the protein found in yogurt. Proteins, the building blocks of our bodies, are made of amino acids. Usually only animal products such as meat, eggs, and dairy contain all the essential amino acids. Amazingly, Moringa oleifera leaves also contain them all. Moringa oleifera has 0.75 times the iron found in spinach. Iron plays an important role in the synthesis of hemoglobin in blood which carries oxygen to all parts of the body. Various parts of this plant such as the leaves, roots, seed, bark, fruit, flowers and immature pods act as cardiac and circulatory stimulants, possess antitumor, antipyretic, antiepileptic, antiinflammatory, antiulcer, antispasmodic, diuretic, antihypertensive, cholesterol lowering, antioxidant, antidiabetic, hepatoprotective, antibacterial and antifungal activities, and are being employed for the treatment of different ailments in the indigenous system of medicine. Grenera Nutrients is an integrated Moringa company that deals with everything from planting the oleifera trees to selling value added Moringa oleifera products. Yelixir is the flagship brand of our company. Since we control every part of the supply chain, all our products are 100% traceable. Our Moringa oleifera trees are grown organically without using any pesticides. We process the Moringa oleifera leaves and pods under hygienic conditions and using a special process, which helps the Moringa oleifera parts to retain maximum nutrients. Grenera Nutrients is contributing a lot for the research and application of Moringa oleifera in various fields and we are also investing to increase the awareness of Moringa to the general public. Research Papers on Moringa Oleifera – The Miracle TreeMarketing of Lifeboy Soap A Unilever ProductGenetic EngineeringThe Spring and AutumnCanaanite Influence on the Early Israelite ReligionThe Masque of the Red Death Room meaningsBionic Assembly System: A New Concept of SelfPersonal Experience with Teen PregnancyIncorporating Risk and Uncertainty Factor in CapitalDefinition of Export QuotasOpen Architechture a white paper
Sunday, October 20, 2019
USS Randolph (CV-15) in World War II
USS Randolph (CV-15) in World War II USS Randolph (CV-15) - Overview: Nation: United States Type: Aircraft Carrier Shipyard: Newport News Shipbuilding Company Laid Down: May 10, 1943 Launched: June 28, 1944 Commissioned: October 9, 1944 Fate: Scrapped 1975 USS Randolph (CV-15) - Specifications Displacement: 27,100 tons Length: 888 ft. Beam: 93 ft. Draft: 28 ft., 7 in. Propulsion: 8 Ãâ€" boilers, 4 Ãâ€" Westinghouse geared steam turbines, 4 Ãâ€" shafts Speed: 33 knots Complement: 3,448 men USS Randolph (CV-15) - Armament: 4 Ãâ€" twin 5 inch 38 caliber guns4 Ãâ€" single 5 inch 38 caliber guns8 Ãâ€" quadruple 40 mm 56 caliber guns46 Ãâ€" single 20 mm 78 caliber guns Aircraft 90-100 aircraft USS Randolph (CV-15) - A New Design: Designed in the 1920s and early 1930s, the US Navys Lexington- and Yorktown-class aircraft carriers were built to conform to the limits set forth by the Washington Naval Treaty. This agreement placed restrictions on the tonnage of various types of warships as well as capped each signatory’s overall tonnage. These types of limitations were confirmed through the 1930 London Naval Treaty. As global tensions increased, Japan and Italy departed the agreement in 1936. With the collapse of the treaty system, the US Navy began developing a design for a new, larger class of aircraft carrier and one which included the lessons learned from the Yorktown-class. The resulting design was longer and wider as well as incorporated a deck-edge elevator system. This had been used earlier on USS Wasp (CV-7). In addition to carrying a larger air group, the new type mounted a greatly enhanced anti-aircraft armament. The lead ship, USS Essex (CV-9), was laid down on April 28, 1941. With the US entry into World War II following the attack on Pearl Harbor, the Essex-class became the US Navys standard design for fleet carriers. The first four ships after Essex followed the types original design. In early 1943, the US Navy made several changes to improve subsequent vessels. The most dramatic of these was the lengthening the bow to a clipper design which allowed for the addition of two quadruple 40 mm mounts. Other improvements included shifting the combat information center below the armored deck, installing improved aviation fuel and ventilation systems, a second catapult on the flight deck, and an additional fire control director. Though dubbed the long-hull Essex-class or Ticonderoga-class by some, the US Navy made no distinction between these and the earlier Essex-class ships. USS Randolph (CV-15) - Construction: The second ship to move forward with the revised Essex-class design was USS Randolph (CV-15). Laid down on May 10, 1943, the new carriers construction began at Newport News Shipbuilding and Drydock Company. Named for Peyton Randolph, President of the First Continental Congress, the ship was the second in the US Navy to carry the name. Work continued on the vessel and it slid down the ways on June 28, 1944, with Rose Gillette, wife of Senator Guy Gillette of Iowa, serving as sponsor. Construction of Randolph concluded about three months later and it entered commission on October 9 with Captain Felix L. Baker in command. USS Randolph (CV-15) - Joining the Fight: Departing Norfolk, Randolph conducted a shakedown cruise in the Caribbean before preparing for the Pacific. Passing through the Panama Canal, the carrier arrived at San Francisco on December 31, 1944. Embarking Air Group 12, Randolph weighed anchor on January 20, 1945, and steamed for Ulithi. Joining Vice Admiral Marc Mitschers Fast Carrier Task Force, it sortied on February 10 to mount attacks on the Japanese home islands. A week later, Randolphs aircraft struck airfields around Tokyo and the Tachikawa engine plant before turning south. Arriving near Iwo Jima, they mounted raids in support of Allied forces ashore. USS Randolph (CV-15) - Campaigning in the Pacific: Remaining in the vicinity of Iwo Jima for four days, Randolph then mounted sweeps around Tokyo before returning to Ulithi. On March 11, Japanese kamikaze forces mounted Operation Tan No. 2 which called for a long-range strike against Ulithi with Yokosuka P1Y1 bombers. Arriving over the Allied anchorage, one of the kamikazes struck Randolphs starboard side aft below the flight deck. Though 27 were killed, the damage to the ship was not severe and could be repaired at Ulithi. Ready to resume operations within weeks, Randolph joined American ships off Okinawa on April 7. There it provided cover and support for American troops during the Battle of Okinawa. In May, Randolphs planes attacked targets in the Ryukyu Islands and southern Japan. Made flagship of the task force on May 15, it resumed support operations at Okinawa before withdrawing to Ulithi at the end of the month. Attacking Japan in June, Randolph swapped Air Group 12 for Air Group 16 the following month. Remaining on the offensive, it raided airfields around Tokyo on July 10 before striking the Honshu-Hokkaido train ferries four days later. Moving on to the Yokosuka Naval Base, Randolphs planes struck the battleship Nagato on July 18. Sweeping through the Inland Sea, further efforts saw the battleship-carrier Hyuga damaged and installations ashore bombed. Remaining active off Japan, Randolph continued to attack targets until receiving word of the Japanese surrender on August 15. Ordered back to the United States, Randolph transited the Panama Canal and arrived at Norfolk on November 15. Converted for use as a transport, the carrier began Operation Magic Carpet cruises to the Mediterranean to bring American servicemen home. USS Randolph (CV-15) - Postwar: Concluding Magic Carpet missions, Randolph embarked US Naval Academy midshipmen in the summer of 1947 for a training cruise. Decommissioned at Philadelphia on February 25, 1948, the ship was placed in reserve status. Moved to Newport News, Randolph commenced a SCB-27A modernization in June 1951. This saw the flight deck reinforced, new catapults installed, and the addition of new arresting gear. Also, Randolphs island underwent modifications and the anti-aircraft armament turrets were removed. Reclassified as an attack carrier (CVA-15), the ship was re-commissioned on July 1, 1953, and commenced a shakedown cruise off Guantanamo Bay. This done, Randolph received orders to join the US 6th Fleet in the Mediterranean on February 3, 1954. Remaining abroad for six months, it then returned to Norfolk for a SCB-125 modernization and the addition of an angled flight deck. USS Randolph (CV-15) - Later Service: On July 14, 1956, Randolph departed for seven-month cruise in the Mediterranean. Over the next three years, the carrier alternated between deployments to the Mediterranean and training on the East Coast. In March 1959, Randolph was redesignated as an anti-submarine carrier (CVS-15). Remaining in home waters for the next two years, it commenced a SCB-144 upgrade in early 1961. With the completion of this work, it served as the recovery ship for Virgil Grissoms Mercury space mission. This done, Randolph sailed for the Mediterranean in the summer of 1962. Later in the year, it moved to the western Atlantic during the Cuban Missile Crisis. During these operations, Randolph and several American destroyers attempted to force the Soviet submarine B-59 to surface. Following an overhaul at Norfolk, Randolph resumed operations in the Atlantic. Over the next five years, the carrier made two deployments to the Mediterranean as well as a cruise to northern Europe. The remainder of Randolphs service occurred off the East Coast and in the Caribbean. On August 7, 1968, the Department of Defense announced that the carrier and forty-nine other vessels would be decommissioned for budgetary reasons. On February 13, 1969, Randolph was decommissioned at Boston before being placed in reserve at Philadelphia. Struck from the Navy List on June 1, 1973, the carrier was sold for scrap to Union Minerals Alloys two years later. Selected Sources DANFS: USS Randolph (CV-15)NavSource: USS Randolph (CV-15)USS Randolph (CV-15)
Saturday, October 19, 2019
The problems of philosophy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
The problems of philosophy - Essay Example Viewing the work in a general way of such philosophers as Russell, Descartes, Ayer, Wittgenstein, and James can provide good ideas on what philosophy is and its work.In The Problems of Philosophy Chapter XV: The Value of Philosophy, Bertrand Russell implies that philosophy may be difficult to understand in the material world. He presents the idea that if all of one's material needs were satisfied, if poverty and disease had been met, there are still some things for which one looks. These things are 'goods of the mind' and they are reached by the 'self' that is not limited to the prison of materiality. It is possible for the self to escape and to know things outside itself. The self can reach for a unity of knowledge which may constitute the highest good. It can find basic materials of the universe that do not need to be further analyzed and it is the goal of the philosopher to conduct such a search. Rene Descartes conducted this very search and he did it inside his mind. Outside the mind is the reality of the world, or so it seems. This reality is full of conflicts and contradictions. The role of the philosopher for Descartes was to use principles offered by mathematical reasoning to go inside the mind and to find or develop a system of knowledge that demonstrated, from within the mind, a unity from which all other knowledge could come. The way in which truth was derived from mathematics could also be applied to the world.
Friday, October 18, 2019
Report on the case study Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Report on the case study - Coursework Example Critical Management Studies stresses at looking the organisation and management theory from wide variety of groups which are affected by educators and business managers who instruct them. Critical theory is one of the important philosophical foundations of critical management studies. Critical theory has more influence on development on CMS than any other related theoretical foundations like post-structuralism, labour process theory, critical realism etc. Critical theory has a distinct paradigmatic characteristics and unique philosophical tradition. Critical theory basically stresses on the reflective assessment by applying knowledge from humanities and social sciences. Critical management studies brought together post-structural writings and critical theory, but since then it as developed into more diverse directions. This report will take a look at the case study of Experiencing Depersonalised bullying with respect to call-centre agents. The case provided is based on the depersonalized bullying which occurs on the call-centre agents who are employed in International call centres in Bangalore and Mumbai in India. It focuses on the oppressive regime faced by them in the workplace. The kind of bullying regime faced by them can be attributed to the service level agreements which exist between the clients and employers. This sets the tone for organisational practices. The call centre agents accept such kind of tough working conditions because of material gains and professional identities gained by them. Capitalist labour relations in the workplace bullying set the tone for such kind of oppression in the workplace. Call centre industry in India is an emerging industry. It is known as ITES-BPO sector which now contributes majorly to global offshoring business. In countries like South Africa, Philippines, Latin America and Eastern Europe this sector are an emerging sector while in India it remains in the developing stage. There
Money and life, Rhetorical Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Money and life, Rhetorical Analysis - Essay Example Logos on the other hand is the use of reason, logic or sound argument in justifying an author’s claims. With logos, the author instead convinces the audience by the soundness of his or her argument rather than appealing to the audience’s emotion. Ethos on the other hand uses ethical appeal to win over the audience to the author’s point of view. In the film, the argument is grounded mainly on the moral, ethical ascendancy of a resource person or the expertise of the person making an argument to convince the audience to believe the argument of an author. Katie Teague used a combination of these rhetorical tools in presenting her case and argument in her film Money and Life. The author used the rhetorical tool of logos heavily or the use of reason and logic in presenting her case in the film. This was evident when she argued the financial and monetary system that made â€Å"money as a mean of exchange†and theories of scarcity in the movie. In a way, she also discussed government’s monetary and fiscal policy that made money so important. The approach of the paper is also methodical and logical just like a university paper where there is a framework in laying out the arguments beginning with a statement of a problem, analysis and then a proposal of a solution. The statement of the problem was our entrapment with money and the background is Teague discussion of the monetary system that made money so important to us. First, Katie Teague laid down the general description of the â€Å"curses and evils†caused by money in the film as her statement of the problem and the byproduct of the monetary system of the country which we are all slav es. After stating the problem, the obvious comes next with the analysis of the problem of which the solution can be derived. Here, the approach of the analysis is not much dependent on logos or logic as it should be but rather on pathos or emotional appeal and ethos or credibility of the source. This
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Egg Osmosis Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Egg Osmosis - Lab Report Example Because of these changes that extracellular conditions may incur, animals such as humans have in them mechanisms like kidneys by which the interstitial fluid which bathe the cells remain isotonic to the cytoplasm. A differentially permeable plasma membrane is an important feature of cells as it encloses all the organelles to increase the concentration of reactants (by decreasing the volume) available for chemical processes specific to the organelle. In addition, it protects the cell from the constantly changing external milieu. The unregulated entry of big and ionic molecules is prevented by the hydrophobic interior of the membrane. Impermeable molecules that are nonetheless essential are transported through proteins embedded in the membrane. The most common example is water, which passes through the transmembrane aquaporins. The water molecule is an 18 g/mol molecule, which is small compared to a 32 g/mol O2 that can pass through the membrane much more freely than water. So how come water molecules still need aquaporins to be able to pass through the amphiphilic plasma membrane? Despite their neutral charge, water molecules are polar molecules which have a transient negative on the O side and a transient positive in between the two H molecules. This polarity makes them attractive to other polar solutes, producing a transient solute-water binding that decreases the thermodynamic activity (or movement). The more impermeable solutes are present the less is its activity. Because energy spontaneously flow from high to low thermodynamic activity, water movement, or osmosis, should go from a low (hypotonic solution) to high concentration (hypertonic solution) of solutes. If no osmosis was observed, the cytoplasm is said to be isotonic to the surrounding solution. Osmosis happening in cells was replicated in this experiment, with unshelled eggs
International economics ( trade ) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
International economics ( trade ) - Essay Example This is so because they believed in a static international economic relations which means one can only gain if the other losses. Adam smith was the pioneer of classical economics who for the first time explained the term absolute advantage in the context of international economics in 1776. His theory of absolute advantage is based on a notion that the country should only manufacture and specialize in the goods which it can produce with the lower cost. Adam smith was a great proponent of free trade. His views of international trade are based on labor division and international specialization. Assume that there are two countries i.e. UK and USA which are trading two goods i.e. wheat and cloth internationally. UK produces wheat by hiring 10 labors whilst US has an advantage to produce the same amount of wheat by employing 6 labors. The above statistics reveal that US has labor specialization in the production of wheat and UK specialize in the production of cloth. This situation leads to trade between US and UK for wheat and cloth respectively. According to Smith’s theory of trade US should export wheat whilst UK should export cloth if they want to gain from the trade. Portugal has absolute advantage in wine and cloth production over UK. According to the theory UK will export cloth because its absolute disadvantage is less here as compared to the production of wine. Contrarily Portugal should export wine as its absolute advantage in case of wine is greater comparatively. Before trade production of wine requires 120 labors whilst cloth’s production involves 100 labors which means production of cloth is cheaper in UK. This is so because 1 unit of wine will cost 1.2 (120/100) units of cloths. More precisely, with a labor UK can either produce 1 unit of wine or 1.2 units of cloth. The situation is reverse in Portugal as it has absolute advantage in the production of both goods. However, the production of wine is cheaper
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Egg Osmosis Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Egg Osmosis - Lab Report Example Because of these changes that extracellular conditions may incur, animals such as humans have in them mechanisms like kidneys by which the interstitial fluid which bathe the cells remain isotonic to the cytoplasm. A differentially permeable plasma membrane is an important feature of cells as it encloses all the organelles to increase the concentration of reactants (by decreasing the volume) available for chemical processes specific to the organelle. In addition, it protects the cell from the constantly changing external milieu. The unregulated entry of big and ionic molecules is prevented by the hydrophobic interior of the membrane. Impermeable molecules that are nonetheless essential are transported through proteins embedded in the membrane. The most common example is water, which passes through the transmembrane aquaporins. The water molecule is an 18 g/mol molecule, which is small compared to a 32 g/mol O2 that can pass through the membrane much more freely than water. So how come water molecules still need aquaporins to be able to pass through the amphiphilic plasma membrane? Despite their neutral charge, water molecules are polar molecules which have a transient negative on the O side and a transient positive in between the two H molecules. This polarity makes them attractive to other polar solutes, producing a transient solute-water binding that decreases the thermodynamic activity (or movement). The more impermeable solutes are present the less is its activity. Because energy spontaneously flow from high to low thermodynamic activity, water movement, or osmosis, should go from a low (hypotonic solution) to high concentration (hypertonic solution) of solutes. If no osmosis was observed, the cytoplasm is said to be isotonic to the surrounding solution. Osmosis happening in cells was replicated in this experiment, with unshelled eggs
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Creating a Climate for Innovation Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Creating a Climate for Innovation - Case Study Example These theories are; organizational integration from the stream of organizational design, the knowledge creating organization from the stream of collective cognition and learning, and a hybrid theory of team climate for innovation. All these theories concur that innovations in organizations occurs where collaborative work, common understanding of vision and norms, and shared learning among proximal groups are necessary conditions. The organizational theory relates the competitive advantage of the business enterprise to its structural strategy while the knowledge creating organizational theory involves activities of knowledge creation and discovery that takes place in the social context, where knowledge transfers require social interactions. Finally, the hybrid theory incorporates the concepts of both the organizational integration theory and the knowledge creating organizational theory. This theory assumes that innovation occurs within proximal work groups if particular conditions tha t are sufficient for their collective learning and shared understanding and coordinated performance occur. These theories fall short in describing all aspects which may influence an organizations ability to prosper in the future In order for the analysis of the innovation phenomenon in organizations to be made, a conceptual method was derived. The model was to be used in developing various hypotheses that would be verified through survey and other research methods. The three innovation theories were used to derive three constructs which would in turn lead to distinguished business performance. The three constructs are: â€Å"Leadership for Innovation†(LFI), â€Å"Organizational Culture for Innovation†(OCI), and â€Å"Team Climate for Innovation†(TCI). Although these same constructs were identified in the previous work of Panuwatwanich (2008). However, this constructs risk exposing the organization into losses because of their reliance on surveys. In event of a wrong survey, the implementation of construct methods may severely harm the organization. The factor analytic model was also used when the variables of theoretical interest cannot be easily identified in the organization, hence observable variables are used. The factor analysis uses two statistical approaches in the analysis, that is, exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis. The exploratory approach focuses on grouping related variables together while the confirmatory approach focuses on analyzing data for inferential purposes and hypothetical testing. Though important, the factor analysis method is sometimes ineffective in the analysis of data which has no correlation. Finally, the preliminary findings also showed that, the climate of innovation in the UAE organizations is moderately strong, although it requires more practical support in terms of providing more resources for the skill base to further develop their skills and seek better ways of developing cre ative solutions. Another finding is that construction firms performed slightly better than non-construction firms in demonstrating an innovation-conducive atmosphere. This showed that the statistical methods used were accurate and reliable. Critical analysis of the conceptual model for innovation In order for a good climate for innovation to be created in a business environment, three main theories should be put into consideration. The theories include; the organizational integration theory from the broad stream of
Releasing Protected Health Information Essay Example for Free
Releasing Protected Health Information Essay When it comes to the handling of patient’s records and them being released, it is not an easy process. It is very important for each patient that opts to have their information released for whatever reason sign a release form stating that they authorize their information being released. There are times in which a patient’s records can be released without having their authorization. In this case, the records can be requested from government agencies, legal agencies or a representative, and a research that may subpoena a medical profession for this information. Every person that becomes a patient in a healthcare facility is protected by something called HIPAA. The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) is a federal law passed by Congress that amended â€Å"the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to improve portability and continuity of health insurance coverage in the group and individual markets, to combat waste, fraud, and abuse in health insurance and health care delivery, to promote the use of medical savings accounts, to improve access to long-term care services and coverage, to simplify the administration of health insurance, and for other purposes,†according to Essential of Healthcare Management (2011). HIPAA is a set of rules that address the use of privacy and confidentiality of an individual’s health records. Any facility that practices with the care of a patient is subject to the privacy rule of HIPAA. The covered entities would be considered privacy and disclosure of information as protected health information. The covered entity is required to obtain an individual’s authorization prior to disclosing any health information. Every patient when seen by a healthcare professional is made aware of their rights to how they want their medical information to be used. The reason for this is to keep patients information private and protected. What it does allow is some information to be able to be transferred with the patient from physician to physician so that they the physician can know something about the patient to help them in the best way that they can. There are different circumstances by which agencies or covered entities have the right or legal obligation to access or obtain Patient’s Healthcare Information (PHI). PHI is under the HIPAA that gives the privacy regulation the privacy that should remain between the patient and doctor. Under some circumstances the gove rnment has the right or legal obligation to a patient’s medical records. Any health care data for analysis in support of policy, planning, regulatory or management functions, it is permitted to disclose information to other government agencies for health data systems (according to Any non-covered government entities may only maintain a limited amount of data sets of information. This is so that the identifiers (name, address and Social Security numbers) can be removed before the government agency receives them. When files are usually authorized to the law officials, it may be because the person can be a victim of domestic violence to a government authority, abuse, and neglect. In a case like the patient is informed that their information has been released unless the health facility believes that a serious harm will occur or the person may portray to themselves. Researchers may need to use files without being authorized to do so if they need to find a treatment for the person. Trying to receive the approval from a patient can be time consuming by which can getting a glimpse at the files and starting the job is much easier. I believe that no matter what kind of storage that is placed on medical records, it is secured and should be assessable when needed. Law official/ researchers are able to subpoena records due to research or something. I believe that they should be authorized to obtain records without a patient’s authority depending on the case. I believe that having records subpoena should go by a base-to-base case. I believe that privacy safeguards are adequate to support the law agencies, researchers, and government agencies of having them be able to obtain information about a patient even without their consent. I believe that in the long run, it makes it easier for some of these agencies to be able to do their job without any interruptions and debater. Before starting this class, I did not know as much as I do now. I believe that the HIPAA law is something that protects patients from their PHI being exposed to the wrong people. It is something that is great that is in place! References Green, M. A., Bowie, M. J. (2011). Essentials of Health Information Management (2nd ed.). Clifton Park, NY: Delmar, Cengage Learning. Legal Requirements for Consent to Disclose Patient Information. (2010). Retrieved from U.S. Department Health Human Services. (2013). Retrieved from http://ww
Monday, October 14, 2019
Roles of Windows Server 2012
Roles of Windows Server 2012 Margaret Webb Edition Idea for High level feature-comparison Licensing Model Memory Limits Foundation Costs-efficient all around server Essential server functionality without virtualization rights Server (Limited to 15 users) 32 GB Ram Essentials Environments in small companies Essential server functionality without virtualization rights Server (Limited to 25 users) 64 GB ram Standard Non-virtualized or lightly virtualized environments All features, with two virtual instances Processor + CAL* 4 TB Ram Datacenter Highly-virtualized private cloud management All features are unlimited virtual instances Processor + CAL* 4 TB Ram #2 A private cloud facilitating arrangement, otherwise called an interior or undertaking cloud, lives on organizations intranet or facilitated server farm where the greater part of your information is secured behind a firewall. Public cloud facilitating arrangement. Your information is put away in the suppliers server farm and the supplier is in charge of the administration and upkeep of the server farm. This kind of cloud condition is speaking to many organizations since it decreases lead times in testing and sending new items. Nonetheless, the downside is that many organizations feel security could need with an open cloud. Despite the fact that you dont control the security of an open cloud, the greater part of your information stays isolate from others and security breaks of open mists are uncommon. VDI stands for Virtual desktop infrastructure which has a desktop working framework on a concentrated server in a server farm. VDI is a minor departure from the customer server registering model, some of the time alluded to as server-based processing. 1) Pooled assets: This implies we manage assets at a total level as opposed to at the level of individual servers. The cloud uncovered a pool of limit with regards to use by administrations that require the limit, and this deliberation decouples the virtualized workloads from the physical framework, permitting dynamic workload arrangement and autonomous foundation administration. 2) Self-Service: In the cloud demonstrate, benefit purchasers can utilize a self-benefit involvement, regularly an electronic entrance, to get to the limit they have been assigned, self-arrangement workloads from standing up a solitary VM to sending a perplexing administration, and deal with the life cycle of those workloads. 3) Elasticity: Cloud Elasticity implies that the framework can bolster the changing needs of the association, sending new administrations as required, distributing more assets to administrations that experience overwhelming burden or de-allotting assets to spare power when the heap is light. With cross-cloud administration, workloads can likewise move amongst private and open mists, giving additional limit, geo-scale reach, or different qualities as required. 4) Usage Based: In the cloud show, clients are charged or if nothing else get educated on their cloud asset utilization in light of their genuine asset utilization #3 Resilient File System (ReFS), codenamed Protogon, is a Microsoft exclusive record framework presented with Windows Server 2012 with the goal of turning into the people to come document framework after NTFS. The reason you would utilize it is helps you store and ensure information, paying little mind to the dependability of the basic equipment and programming stack. This limits the cost of capacity and lessens capital uses for organizations. You can convey a Windows Server 2012 R2 document server connected to an only a cluster of plates (JBOD) stockpiling setup with Serial ATA (SATA) or Serially Attached SCSI (SAS) drives. Also, the arrangement could incorporate failover grouping where the client sends a scale-out, two-hub record server bunch with Storage Spaces, where the group utilizes a mutual JBOD stockpiling design with SAS drives #4 Server Roles: !) Active Directory Certificate Services 2) Active Directory Domain Services The primary Windows Server 2012/R2 part that I would introduce on a server for a small assembling organization is the Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) part. The reason I would introduce this part on small assembling organizations server is because it permits the Windows Server 2012/R2 go about as a space controller. This is valuable for the assembling organization since it handles confirmation and approval for every one of the workers that are in a Windows area condition. The second Windows Server 2012/R2 part Active Directory Certificate Services (AD CS) gives adjustable administrations to issuing and overseeing endorsements in programming security frameworks that utilization open key advances. For foundation data about open key cryptography and the advantages of having an open key framework (PKI), You can utilize AD CS to make at least one affirmation specialists (CA) to get testament demands, check the data in the solicitations and the character of the requester, issue endorsements, renounce declarations, and distribute authentication denial information. #5 Server Core establishments require around 4 GB less space than a Server with a GUI establishment. By utilizing Server Core establishments on virtual machines, you can accomplish a huge space funds by not storing the GUI records on the virtual machines plate. Servers frequently have nearly a lot of memory and complex plate clusters, both of which can set aside a lot of opportunity to instate at startup. Since Server Core establishments limit the quantity of restarts required for updates, the recurrence at which plate clusters and memory must be re-introduced is lessened. Certain server applications have conditions on specific Windows administrations, libraries, applications, and records that are not accessible in Server Core establishments, but rather the manager needs to exploit the decreased requirement for refreshing commonplace of Server Core establishments. The Minimal Server Interface offers extra similarity while as yet keeping up a diminished framework impression (however to a lesser degree than a Server Core establishment). Highlights on Demand can be utilized to diminish the impression for your virtual machine organizations by evacuating parts and components that will never be sent in your virtual machines. Contingent upon the parts and elements utilized as a part of your virtual machines, it is conceivable to lessen the size by more than 1 GB. Diminished adjusting, Since Server Core introduces just what is required for a reasonable DHCP, File, DNS, Media Services, and Active Directory server, less adjusting is required. Decreased administration, since less is introduced on a Server Core-based server, less administration is required. Decreased assault surface Since there is less running on the server, there is less assault surface. Less plate space required Server Core requires around 3.4GB to introduce. More noteworthy solidness. Since a Server Core establishment has less running procedures and administrations than a Full establishment, the general dependability of Server Core is more noteworthy. Less things can turn out badly, and less settings can be designed mistakenly. Disentangled administration. Since there are less things to oversee on a Server Core establishment, its less demanding to arrange and bolster a Server Core establishment than a Full one-once you get the hang of it.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
The Battle for Political Power in The Tempest Essay -- The Tempest Ess
"Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power." -- Abraham Lincoln Shakespeare's "The Tempest" forms a world within itself. Within this world, many topics regarding government, power and colonization are addressed. Shakespeare tackles the discovery of new places and races, the relationship between the colonized and the colonist, old world ideologies on new soil, as well as theories on civilization and government. These aspects at the core reveal a very clear struggle for political power. Prospero's first major monologue creates the foundation of such a theme. In 1.2 lines 30-175 Prospero tell his story recounting the usurpation of the power he had as Duke of Milan, then quickly renews his power on the island. Prospero beings his story with an authoritative tone stating: "Obey and be attentive" (1.2 48). Desiring political power and authority becomes the core from which other themes derive. Power as the Central Theme: Prospero, the rightful Duke of Milan, so enthralled â€Å"In dignity, and for the liberal arts†(1.2 73), twelve years prior lost his dukedom to his brother Antonio. Antonio, in turn, betrayed Prospero’s trust by forming an alliance with the enemy, the King of Naples Alonso. This treaty gave Alonso â€Å"annual tribute, [to] do him homage, Subject his coronet to his crown, and bend The dukedom, yet unbowedâ€â€alas, poor Milanâ€â€To most ignoble stooping†(1.2 113-116). Ultimately, Milan gave up its freedom and became subject to Naples. Prospero, whose â€Å"library/ Was dukedom large enough†(1.2 109-110), lost his position as the Duke of Milan and he and his three year old daughter Miranda were sent â€Å"abroad a barque bore†¦to sea†(1.2 144-145). Eventual... ...cance to be defined. Works Cited: Brown, Paul. â€Å"This thing of darkness I acknowledge mine.†Political Shakespeare. Dollimore, Jonathan, and Alan Sinfield eds. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1985. Cohen, Walter., et al. The Norton Shakespeare. New York: W.W. Norton and Company, 2008. Frank, Mike. â€Å"Shakespeare’s Existential Comedy.†Essaysâ€â€Shakespeare: Late Plays. Tobias, Richard eds. Ohio University Press, 1974. Hirst, David. The Tempest. London: Macmillan Publishers, 1984. James, D.G. The Dream of Prospero. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1967. Madison, James., et al The Federalist Papers. New York: Penguin Books, 1987. Mannoni, O. Prospero and Caliban: The Psychology of Colonization. Great Britain: Richard Clay and Company, 1956. Traversi, Derek. Shakespeare: The Last Phase. California: Stanford University Press, 1965. The Battle for Political Power in The Tempest Essay -- The Tempest Ess "Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power." -- Abraham Lincoln Shakespeare's "The Tempest" forms a world within itself. Within this world, many topics regarding government, power and colonization are addressed. Shakespeare tackles the discovery of new places and races, the relationship between the colonized and the colonist, old world ideologies on new soil, as well as theories on civilization and government. These aspects at the core reveal a very clear struggle for political power. Prospero's first major monologue creates the foundation of such a theme. In 1.2 lines 30-175 Prospero tell his story recounting the usurpation of the power he had as Duke of Milan, then quickly renews his power on the island. Prospero beings his story with an authoritative tone stating: "Obey and be attentive" (1.2 48). Desiring political power and authority becomes the core from which other themes derive. Power as the Central Theme: Prospero, the rightful Duke of Milan, so enthralled â€Å"In dignity, and for the liberal arts†(1.2 73), twelve years prior lost his dukedom to his brother Antonio. Antonio, in turn, betrayed Prospero’s trust by forming an alliance with the enemy, the King of Naples Alonso. This treaty gave Alonso â€Å"annual tribute, [to] do him homage, Subject his coronet to his crown, and bend The dukedom, yet unbowedâ€â€alas, poor Milanâ€â€To most ignoble stooping†(1.2 113-116). Ultimately, Milan gave up its freedom and became subject to Naples. Prospero, whose â€Å"library/ Was dukedom large enough†(1.2 109-110), lost his position as the Duke of Milan and he and his three year old daughter Miranda were sent â€Å"abroad a barque bore†¦to sea†(1.2 144-145). Eventual... ...cance to be defined. Works Cited: Brown, Paul. â€Å"This thing of darkness I acknowledge mine.†Political Shakespeare. Dollimore, Jonathan, and Alan Sinfield eds. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1985. Cohen, Walter., et al. The Norton Shakespeare. New York: W.W. Norton and Company, 2008. Frank, Mike. â€Å"Shakespeare’s Existential Comedy.†Essaysâ€â€Shakespeare: Late Plays. Tobias, Richard eds. Ohio University Press, 1974. Hirst, David. The Tempest. London: Macmillan Publishers, 1984. James, D.G. The Dream of Prospero. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1967. Madison, James., et al The Federalist Papers. New York: Penguin Books, 1987. Mannoni, O. Prospero and Caliban: The Psychology of Colonization. Great Britain: Richard Clay and Company, 1956. Traversi, Derek. Shakespeare: The Last Phase. California: Stanford University Press, 1965.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Are Women Slaves to Fashion and Beauty? Essay -- Feminism Feminist Wom
Are Women Slaves to Beauty?    What does it take to feel beautiful? Perhaps a little bit of time, make-up, and a breathtaking dress; or at least that's what we have been programmed to believe. Without a doubt, all of the magazines, advertisements, and make-up beauty tips have influenced women’s beliefs about what it means to be beautiful. An artificial image of beauty has been imposed on each and every woman in our culture.  I would like to begin with the fact that women have always been known to dedicate their time to beauty. Those who are devoted to their appearance most often believe that beauty brings power, popularity, and success. Women believe this, because they grow up reading magazines that picture beautiful women in successful environments; not to mention they are popular models and world famous individuals. Beautiful women are no longer just a priority for most advertising, but we have become a walking target for the working class employers. It is documented that better-looking attorneys earn more than others after five years of practice, which was an effect that grew with experience (Biddle, 172). We cannot overlook the fact that it is always the most popular and most beautiful girl who becomes homecoming-queen or prom-queen. While these are possible positive effects of the "beauty myth," the negative results of female devotion to beauty undercut this value. These effects are that it costs a lot of money, it costs a lot of time, and in the long run, it costs a lot of pain.  First, women spend huge amounts of money to improve their looks. So here we are unable to escape the reality that we can never be flawless or blemish free; moreover, as long as women have the belief that all greatness de... ...take pleasure in making yourselves up "is like telling you to stop enjoying food, sex, or love" (Newsweek vl127, 68). Just don't let it run your life, and stop feeling that beauty should be valued by what is seen on the outside. Now go out, buy your Prom dress, and do it for fun. Not for who or what you should be.  Works Cited Biddle, Jeff E & Hamermesh, David S. (1998). Beauty, Productivity, and Discrimination: Lawyers' Look and Lucre. Journal of Labor Economics, 16(30). 172. Morin, Carole. (1997). Dead Glamorous. UK: National Publishing Company. Malkin, Carole. (1990, February), True Colors-Make-Up That's Tailor-made for You. Working Woman, 104. Schmid, Wendy. (1994, August). Making Up. Vogue, 198. Lieberman, Rhonda. (1995, April). Guys and Dolls. Artform, 21. Springen, Karen. (1996, June). Eyes of the Beholders. Newsweek, 68. Â
Professional Cheating Websites Essay
Random interview is the method that we are going to use for gathering data because in interviews information is obtained through inquiry and recorded by enumerators. Structured interviews are performed by using survey forms, whereas open interviews are notes taken while talking with respondents. The notes are subsequently structured interpreted foe further analysis. Open-ended interviews, which need to be interpreted and analyze even during the interview, have to be carried out by well-trained observers and/or enumerators. Generally, structured interviews are conducted with a well-designed form already established. Forms are filled in by researches, instead of respondents, and in that it differs from questionnaires. While this approach is more expensive, more complicated questions can be asked and data can be validated as it is collected, improving data quality. Interviews can be undertaken with variety of data sources, and through alternative media, such as by telephone or in person . The people who are going to interview are the maritime students of Dr,Yanga’s Colleges at DYCI. The interviewee came from any level of BSMT and BSMarE maritime student .It could be ages 16 to 18 above male or female. Confessions of a Professional College Cheater. IT WILL COME as news to no one who reads Dave Tomar’s new book that college kids cheat as enthusiastically and ritually as they tailgate and copulate, especially since Harvard recently announced that nearly half of the 279 students in a single â€Å"Introduction to Congress†class are under investigation for academic dishonesty. In the ethically challenged haze of freshman dormitory life I did it myself, writing an occasional paper for an attractive or underperforming friend, and it never really occurred to me that this was wrong until I became a college professor and sat outraged on the other side of the desk, interrogating a barely literate student who had suddenly blossomed into an eloquent critic of Milton’s Paradise Lost. And after reading The Shadow Scholar I’m eyeing my current crop of students with an entirely new level of suspicion. Tomar’s book grew out of an article, penned under the name â€Å"Ed Dante†in The Chronicle of Higher Education in November 2010, that became the most widely read piece in the Chronicle’s history. The article, and now the book, document the astounding scale and sophistication of cheating in today’s wired world, which the author knows well: he worked for ten years at highly organized Internet companies, writing term papers, class projects, and even a dissertation. In the wickedest of ironies, he found his employers through a website that aims to prevent cheating by exposing the worst offenders. At this website, an interested reader will find links to two hundred such companies, all accepting Paypal, MasterCard, and Visa, and all eager to make your college experience utterly painless. One site ( provides statistics, including (at press time) a 97 percent satisfaction rate and 1,373,890 pages written. I don’t now how much to trust a company that relies on its customers’ willingness to lie, but if those numbers are true, then this firm alone has produced over 170,000 of the 7-to-10-page papers usually assigned in introductory level classes. Many sites promise that their writers hold at least an M.A. or a Ph.D., and nearly all of them guarantee that the customer’s essay will cruise through the plagiarism-detection software that most American universities have purchased, at a tremendous cost, as the silver bu llet in their anti-cheating arsenal. As Tomar describes the process, the writers for his former employer log in to the company’s website and select an assignment from an online bulletin board. Students provide the topic and the deadline, and specific guidelines from their instructor, and the desired citation style. Some students even ship required course texts to their hired hand: Tomar claims this practice larded his shelves with thousands of dollars worth of books on constitutional history, literature, business, and psychology. But that was one of the few perks. Like a high-tech whipping boy, Tomar says he took on so much work that he ruined his health and his relationships, all so that the pampered and unprepared could enjoy a painless college experience. The cheery photos of carefree students on the professional cheating websites bear this out. As in the promotional materials distributed by the universities themselves, everyone is always smiling. Tomar is very, very angry, and although he comes to loathe the students who hire him, the real target of his ire is the universities. He is himself a graduate of Rutgers, and he seems genuinely traumatized by his own stint on the banks of the old Raritan, which he believes left him without the skills to land any real job other than writing fraudulent college papers. From this experience he gleans several ways that higher education in America has gone awry. â€Å"It’s not simply that some colleges are structured more like corporations than like places of learning,†Tomar notes, but that they are structured like failing businesses that â€Å"don’t give a crap about customer service or quality assurance.†This is one of Tomar’s more astute observations. While nimble businesses, from Lego to Apple, have made customers fall in love with their reinvented products, universities still persist in replicating the early twentieth-century factory model espoused by Henry Ford: customers can have a car painted any color they want â€Å"so long as it is black.†As a teacher of Shakespeare, I benefit from this model all the time: students from across the disciplines are forced to take my classes to fill various requirements, whether or not they will ever use iambic pentameter. It pays my bills. But where such requiremen ts do not correspond to clearly defined and valuable outcomes for students, they also contribute to the truly frightening $1 trillion in outstanding U.S. student debt that, as Tomar notes, has mostly been accumulated in the past four years. The driving engines of that debt remain the for-profit degree mills such as theUniversity of Phoenix, which do not escape Tomar’s fury. â€Å"The work assigned at such institutions was so easy, the standards so low, and the priorities so far removed from the interests of honest student evaluation†that students might be forgiven for turning to the free market to meet their intellectual needs. As the Harvard cheating scandal has affirmed, however, even the best universities have some such slack in the system. Students caught up in the investigation have reported that the course was notoriously known as â€Å"an easy A†with take-home exams and low standards. Combine such factors with the universities’ generally sluggish stance toward technology, Tomar suggests, and the cheating he documents is nearly inevitable. These points are well made, but not much else in this padded book has the same force. In discussing his erstwhile career, Tomar has called himself a master â€Å"bullshit artist,†and he boasts that he knows all the â€Å"little tricks†for churning out papers, â€Å"like fluffing sentences with unnecessary clauses or adding gratuitous lines summarizing previous claims.†Yet Tomar’s book may prove to be his bullshitting pià ¨ce de rà ©sistance, as it employs these same techniques at length, including notes and a bibliography drawn mostly from blogs and websites. For a brief moment, it seems as if this might be some sort of brilliant meta-narrative: a Joycean performance of the sloppiness, clichà ©, and superficial analysis that passes for writing in our universities today. But as Tomar reaches his solemn conclusion, explaining that he has attempted to describe â€Å"the things that I had come to know, with the hope that it could help all of us,†this begins to seem less likely. The problem is that The Shadow Scholar’s argument never really achieves the escape velocity that would propel it beyond the author’s own miscellaneous grievances. By his own admission, Tomar doesn’t know how to use a library and doesn’t have â€Å"a fuck’s clue how to do research if my Internet is down and my phone battery i s dead.†For Tomar this is a point of pride, because the ease with which he manipulates the systemâ€â€tricking all those doddering professorsâ€â€shows that libraries and library-based curricula are hopeless anyway. Again, I half-sympathize: if any professors still ask students to conduct research without online resources, they are clearly acting negligently. But surely the more responsibleâ€â€and the more commonâ€â€approach is to guide students through the digital archives, accepting that they use Wikipedia and Google, but teaching them that this should be the beginning rather than the end of their research. But Tomar obviously never learned this lesson, and his argument rarely reaches beyond the level of Googling, like one of those machine-authored books that use an algorithm to collate information about a given topic. (If this is unfamiliar, see the 345,000 titles by â€Å"Lambert M. Surhone†on When arguing, for example, that American education l oads students with debt without providing the skills to pay it back, Tomar writes that â€Å"according to the Guardian, ‘student loans have been stripped of nearly all basic consumer protections.’†Nothing wrong with that, except that after continuing this quotation for some length, he launches directly into a new paragraph on â€Å"An article in Mother Jones,†and this takes us to a paragraph relating what â€Å"the Washington Post†surmises, before a final section provides the truth â€Å"according to the New York Times.†The already underdeveloped argument must also share space with a memoir of the author’s misguided youth, and while Dave Tomar finds his lead character fascinating, his will probably be a minority response. After the tenth account of Tomar getting stoned, or reeling out of a bar to vomit, it seems worth asking whether he may have borne some responsibility for his failure to find academic fulfillment and develop marketable skills on campus. One suspects that Tomar was very good at churning out â€Å"C-†papers and that some of his clients got exactly what they deserved. Although The Shadow Scholar is a failed invective, it is an extremely timely reminder that we would be unwise to brush off accounts of cheating at Harvard or our local junior college as a few bad apples. To prevent the offenses that Tomar describes, professors will also need to become more proficient at pedagogies both old and new. Our first priority may be teaching students to navigate an online world where the meaning of intellectual property is in flux. Universities clearly must also do a better job teaching students actual skills rather than running them through hoops until they accumulate enough seat time, measured in dollars and hours, to graduate. Just as important as such innovation, however, is the very traditional work of forming tutorial relationships that will model intellectual responsibility and demonstrate that thinking, rather than paying someone to do it for you, can be its own reward. Studies find more Students Cheating, with High Achievers no Exception. Large-scale cheating has been uncovered over the last year at some of the nation’s most competitive schools, like Stuyvesant High Schoolin Manhattan, the Air Force Academy and, most recently, Harvard. Studies of student behavior and attitudes show that a majority of students violate standards of academic integrity to some degree, and that high achievers are just as likely to do it as others. Moreover, there is evidence that the problem has worsened over the last few decades. Experts say the reasons are relatively simple: Cheating has become easier and more widely tolerated, and both schools and parents have failed to give students strong, repetitive messages about what is allowed and what is prohibited. â€Å"I don’t think there’s any question that students have become more competitive, under more pressure, and, as a result, tend to excuse more from themselves and other students, and that’s abetted by the adults around them,†said Donald L. McCabe, a professor at the Rutgers University Business School, and a leading researcher on cheating. â€Å"There have always been struggling students who cheat to survive,†he said. â€Å"But more and more, there are students at the top who cheat to thrive.†Internet access has made cheating easier, enabling students to connect instantly with answers, friends to consult and works to plagiarize. And generations of research has shown that a major factor in unethical behavior is simply how easy or hard it is. A recent study by Jeffrey A. Roberts and David M. Wasieleski at Duquesne University found that the more online tools college students were allowed to use to complete an assignment, the more likely they were to copy the work of others. The Internet has changed attitudes, as a world of instant downloading, searching, cutting and pasting has loosened some ideas of ownership and authorship. An increased emphasis on having students work in teams may also have played a role. â€Å"Students are surprisingly unclear about what constitutes plagiarism or cheating,†said Mr. Wasieleski, an associate professor of management. Howard Gardner, a professor at the Harvard Graduate School of Education, said that over the 20 years he has studied professional and academic integrity, â€Å"the ethical muscles have atrophied,†in part because of a culture that exalts success, however it is attained. He said the attitude he has found among students at elite colleges is: â€Å"We want to be famous and successful, we think our colleagues are cutting corners, we’ll be damned if we’ll lose out to them, and some day, when we’ve made it, we’ll be role models. But until then, give us a pass.†Numerous projects and research studies have shown that frequently reinforcing standards, to both students and teachers, can lessen cheating. But experts say most schools fail to do so. â€Å"Institutions do a poor job of making those boundaries clear and consistent, of educating students about them, of enforcing them, and of giving teachers a clear process to follow through on them,†said Laurie L. Hazard, director of the Academic Center for Excellence at Bryant University. In the programs that colleges run to help new students make the transition from high school, students are counseled on everything from food to friendships, but â€Å"little or no time is spent on cheating,†she said. A 2010 survey of Yale undergraduates by The Yale Daily News showed that most had never read the school’s policy on academic honesty, and most were unsure of the rules on sharing or recycling their work. In surveys of high school students, the Josephson Institute of Ethics, which advises schools on ethics education, has found that about three-fifths admit to having cheated in the previous year  and about four-fifths say their own ethics are above average. Few schools â€Å"place any meaningful emphasis on integrity, academic or otherwise, and colleges are even more indifferent than high schools,†said Michael Josephson, president of the institute. â€Å"When you start giving take-home exams and telling kids not to talk about it, or you let them carry smartphones into tests, it’s an invitation to cheating,†he said. The case that Harvard revealed in late August involved a take-home final exam in an undergraduate course with 279 students. The university has not yet held hearings on the charges, which may take months to resolve. Officials said similarities in test papers suggested that nearly half the class had broken the rules against plagiarism and working together; some of the accused students said their behavior was innocent, or fell into gray areas. Mr. McCabe’s surveys, conducted around the country, have found that most college students see collaborating with others, even when it is forbidden, as a minor offense or no offense at all. Nearly half take the same view of paraphrasing or copying someone else’s work without attribution. And most high school teachers and college professors surveyed fail to pursue some of the violations they find. Experts say that along with students, schools and technology, parents are also to blame. They cite surveys, anecdotal impressions and the work of researchers like Jean M. Twenge, author of the book â€Å"Generation Me,†to make the case that since the 1960s, parenting has shifted away from emphasizing obedience, honor and respect for authority to promoting children’s happiness while stoking their ambitions for material success. â€Å"We have a culture now where we have real trouble accepting that our kids make mistakes and fail, and when they do, we tend to blame someone else,†said Tricia Bertram Gallant, author of â€Å"Creating the Ethical Academy,†and director of the academic integrity office at the University of California at San Diego. â€Å"Thirty, 40 years ago, the parent would come in and grab the kid by the ear, yell at him and drag him home.†Educators tell tales of students who grew up taking for granted not only that their highly involved parents would help with schoolwork but that the â€Å"help†would strain the definition of the word. Ms. Gallant recalled giving integrity counseling to a student who would send research papers to her mother to review before turning them in  and saw nothing wrong in that. One paper, it turned out, her mother had extensively rewritten  and extensively plagiarized. The Good News in the Atlanta and D.C. School Cheating Scandals With the possible exception of tot-murdering moms and professional basketball players who jilt their fans on live television, there is no more reviled figure in American life than Bernie Madoff. Portrayed on the cover of New York magazine in Heath-Ledger-as-Joker makeup, he has been variously described as a sociopath, a financial serial killer, and the devil incarnate. What nobody has said, however, is that Madoff was the victim of a profession that puts relentless pressure on money managers to publicly report their success in the market. And, while plenty of deserved scorn has been heaped on the auxiliary financial institutions and hapless federal regulators who allowed his fraud to unfold for decades, nobody has suggested that those lapses in any way mitigate Madoff’s culpability in his crimes. Society has taken away all of Madoff’s money and freedom, but it has left him with one thing: the dignity inheren t in possessing moral responsibility for doing wrong. It has been less respectful, unfortunately, to educators in our public schools. Recent weeks have seen reports of a terrible cheating scandal in Atlanta; a Georgia state investigation implicated scores of teachers and principals of systematically falsifying student test scores. Earlier this year, USA Today revealed evidence of test score manipulation in the District of Columbia. Similar scandals have erupted over the years in Houston, Oakland, Dallas, Chicago, and elsewhere, all tied to the pressure educators feel to show evidence of student learning on standardized tests. And, every time news of cheating breaks, opponents of standardized testing and accountability in public education have been quick to deflect blame from morally challenged educators and aim it toward the tests themselves. When asked about Atlanta, noted school reform apostate Diane Ravitch pointed the finger at the federal No Child Left Behind law, saying that, when high-stakes incentives are attached to test scores, we are â€Å"virtually inviting†teachers to cheat. At the Daily Kos, r eaders were told that â€Å"the tests, and the stakes attached to them, are the issue. No rational person can look at cheating this widespread and decide its existence is about the individuals, however blameworthy their behavior may be.†One Atlanta-area teacher put it this way: â€Å"Anybody whose job is tied to performance, it is a setup.†In search of a theory to back up these assertions, testing opponents often invoke â€Å"Campbell’s Law,†an adage put forth in the 1970s by social scientist Donald Campbell. It holds that â€Å"[t]he more any quantitative social indicator [e.g. standardized testing] is used for social decision-making, the more subject it will be to corruption pressures.†As a way of understanding education policy, or anything else, Campbell’s Law is both inaccurate and banal. In reality, most people are quite adept at resisting corruption pressure, which is why the vast majority of teachers whose students take standardized tests do not cheat. And, while some do, the fallibility of humankind has been known for a long time. So I hereby coin Carey’s Law, which holds that trite observations are more likely to be regarded as sacred principles if someone happen s to describe them as laws. TO BE SURE, people (and teachers) will succumb to dishonesty. They cheat on their taxes, spouses, and golf partners. Cheating corrodes trust in all things, especially education. Students whose test scores are manipulated upward don’t the get the extra attention they need. And, since teachers are increasingly being evaluated by how much their students’ test scores improve, a teacher who inflates scores could potentially cost her colleagues in the next grade of their job performance. But cheating also means that public schools finally care enough about student performance that some ethically challenged educators have chosen to cheat. This is far better than the alternative, where learning is so incidental and non-transparent that people of low character can’t be bothered to lie about it. Blaming cheating on the test amounts to infantilizing teachers, moving teaching 180 degrees away from the kind of professionalization that teacher advocates often profess to support. Instead of doing away with the pressures of a performance-based system, the best way to combat cheating is by buil ding institutions that have systems and organizational cultures that minimize the amount of corruption and abuse that occurs. This is harder to do in some places than in others. The District of Columbia, for example, is not exactly a bastion of civic virtue. Half the members of our city council currently stand accused of some form of misconduct, including council president Kwame Brown, who is being investigated by the U.S. Attorney for matters regarding the use of hundreds of thousands of dollars in campaign funds. Nobody, by the way, is blaming the corruption pressures inherent to our vote-intensive election system for Brown’s alleged misdeeds. Indeed, it’s not a coincidence that cheating scandals tend to erupt in municipalities whose public institutions suffer from corruption. But, when the Atlanta police department was rocked by accusations that officers falsified warrants, planted evidence, and gunned down a 92-year old woman in a botched drug raid, national commentators didn’t pin the blame on a system that holds police departments accountable for solving crimes. Corruption, educat ional or otherwise, should be fought with strong law enforcement, the election of public officials with integrity, and the vigilance of citizen’s groups and a watchful press. The Securities and Exchange Commission exists because lawmakers correctly assume that the pressures and temptations of making money are so great that companies and financial actors can’t be trusted. Other than lunatic objectivistsand Wall Street water-carriers, nobody reacted to Madoff, Enron, or WorldCom by calling for less enforcement and public reporting of information. Instead, they rightly called for more. Finally, we should never forget that cheating in public education long predates the advent of standardized testing and accountability. Back then, it happened in the form of students who were ill-taught and passed along through grades until they were handed a diploma despite their inability to read, write, work with numbers, or otherwise perform any of the skills and tasks necessary to make a decent life in the modern world. Often, their children were sent back into the very same dysfunctional systems to begin the cycle anew. The only difference was, that kind of cheating didn’t result in state investigations, newspapers headlines, and calls for the responsible parties to be thrown in jail. The new way we structure testing and reward and punish people for their actions with regard to that testing is better for studentsâ€â€and even teachersâ€â€in the long run. Kevin Carey is the policy director of Education Sector, a think tank in Washington, D.C. Cheating is Cheating is Cheating. MANILA, Philippines  DEAR CHICO AND DELAMAR†¦I do a little tutoring on the side to earn some extra money while in college, and I’ve become friends with most of my students as they are mostly just a few years younger than I am. We often still communicate with each other even after I’ve stopped tutoring them. One of the guys that I’ve become close to has recently come to me and tearfully confided that he cheated in an exam and ended up winning an award because of it. I was very disappointed by what he did, because he’s a very smart kid and has a generally sterling academic record. He says that he only did it because his family was going to a really rough patch and he didn’t want an academic failure to compound their problems. He certainly seems guilty over it, and has promised me to never do it again because it wasn’t worth the guilt. What I’m torn about is whether I should tell the school about it. I feel bad about what heà ¢â‚¬â„¢s done, but telling the school would possibly ruin his reputation and his chances at getting into a great college. Should I just let it go and trust that he won’t do it again? -Leonard CHICO SAYS†¦I must admit, this is a tough one. It’s the classic choice between doing the kind thing and doing the right thing. I can’t tell you what is the right thing to do, but what I can do is tell you is what I’d do. I don’t know if I’d have the heart to turn him in. Even if I knew that on paper it’s the right thing to do, I don’t know if I’d muster the resolve. If you can’t choose between the two, you can always try and convince him to do the right thing for himself. Besides, it’s his misdeed that’s causing all this guilt, so he is the best person to right this particular wrong. I’m sure most people would be like, what’s the big deal? He’s learned his lesson, and everybody cheats every now and then, so why ruin a promising future? But remember, somebody who deserved that award was robbed of it. No matter how big or small the accolade, someone else deserved to get that award. And if a young mind gets the idea that he can get away with robbing someone of something as long as he doesn’t get caught, then who is to say that it will stop here? Who is to say that some of the crooked people in high places didn’t get their start with petty â€Å"crimes†like cheating in exams? Leave this sliding doors moment for him to decide. He can opt to leave things as they are and move on, or he can step up to the plate and right the wrong with his own hands, the very hands that caused the injustice in the first place. If he thinks the right thing for him to do is to own up to the cheating, then there is no other recourse but to bite the bullet and confess, just like if you feel it is your duty to report him, then you are beholden to yourself to do so. For all you know, him confessing may be a bitch to handle now, but it could also be the best thing that ever happened to him. Character is hard to come by these days. Something like this could actually build him some. Do what feels right to you at this moment; in difficult situations like these, it’s the best you can do. DELAMAR SAYS†¦There is no way you can be sure he won’t do it again. There is no way that you can be sure that the next time a similar situation happens he won’t take the easy way of cheating again. In his mind he might justify cheating as long as he can say he did it for his family. And did he really do it just to not add on to his family problems? And would it really have added to his family’s problems? Isn’t it understandable that when families go through problems children’s school work do suffer? Did he really do it for family? Or, did he do it for himself? If there was a way to make sure this really was a one time and only a one time thing, most people will say why not let it pass without consequence? But that’s the thing, there is no way you can tell. And the one thing that needs to be considered more than just whether he will do it again or not is this  him cheating earned him an award. Which means: his cheating deprived someone of an award that would have been legitimately earned. He took it from somebody else who would have rightly earned it. And in my opinion, that is certainly not fair. I think this problem is a question of being understanding to someone who was just really pushed to the edge or do you consider this as a great opportunity to learn a very hard lesson too. The lesson that cheating is cheating is cheating. No matter what your justification is it is still a wrong that has consequences. The consequence that is so great, at the cost of his good reputation being tarnished and risking his entrance to a good college, that he will never cheat again. Cheating can destroy all your previous honest efforts. That is a great lesson he will never forget. And also he has to learn that his cheating deprived someone of that award. And these things if he has to pay the consequence will surely send a message that cheating isn’t worth it. He will learn that he just has to live with not performing well when his family is going through something rather than to automatically cheat. Your decision lies with how well you know your student. Will this serve as a lesson he will never forget and never do again? Or, is this his chance to learn at this point and painfully that there are consequences to the actions we do? What can your conscience live with? Whatever you decide I just hope the person who might have been deprived of that award the student earned with his cheating efforts will still get what he deserves. Maybe you can figure out a way to punish the act of cheating but at the same time give him some leeway because he did come forward to admit his wrongdoing? In my opinion the best way is to show him that this act cannot go without consequence, some consequence. You can argue on his behalf that the punishment be less severe so as not to risk his college entrance but he certainly has to understand that he cannot get away with cheating without paying the price. Trick or Cheat. Cheat. It’s probably something that we’ve done at least once in our academic life. Whether through hidden answer sheets, information shared with friends from different sections, or just taking a peek at a seatmate’s paper, not very many of us can claim to be innocent in this regard. Penelope (not her real name) a college senior at a school in Manila’s University Belt, admits to be cheating in exams since she was in fourth year high school. â€Å"I needed to,†she justifies. â€Å"We had to memorize the formulas in our Physics class and we weren’t allowed to have an index card to look at. I was a candidate to become an outstanding student at the time and I didn’t want to fail that exam.†Aside from looking at her seatmate’s paper, she also had a small paper with all the needed formulas hidden in her socks. Penelope has never been caught, but on the occasion that she is, she says she plans to apologize to the teacher. â€Å"But t hat doesn’t mean I’ll stop. I believe cheating is one of the elements of being a student,†she says. Penelope’s story is something that is replicated in the lives of other students across the city. Just like Penelope, Nicole (not her real name) began cheating in exams in high school, mainly because everyone else in her class was doing it. â€Å"It wasn’t intentional at first. The examiner was out of the room, and I took the liberty to check my notes in Biology and compare if my answers were correct. I found it really rewarding to get a perfect score,†she recalls. But unlike Penelope, Nicole was unlucky enough to get caught. â€Å"I decided not to do it anymore and try to rely on my full capacity to answer all subsequent tests,†she says. However, â€Å"try†is the important word in Nicole’s statement. When asked if getting caught stopped her from cheating, her reply is short and direct to the point: â€Å"Not really.†MODERN CHEATING The temptation to cheat is even easier for today’s technologically-advanced youth. With mobile phones making the transmission of messages easier and the Internet making the sharing of information much quicker, today’s Filipino student can just as easily download his answers from a computer as he can from looking at his seatmate’s answers. However, it would seem that the tried and tested technique of looking at the answer of seatmates, passing around notes, and â€Å"reliable†classmates are the methods preferred by today’s young Filipinos. â€Å"If you give people answers, they give you answers back,†says Elle (not her real name). â€Å"My two friends and I would form a triangle with our seats  we call it the Triangle Offense. It gave us good angles. I also ask people who’ve taken the tests earlier for questions and answers.†Mark (not his real name) also relied on his classmates to get a higher grade than the one he would have otherwise received on his tests. â€Å"Back in high school, teachers would have us exchange papers with our fellow classmates and we would have to honestly mark each others tests. It wasn’t me who changed the answers, but my seatmate who’s marking it. That’s what made it possible,†he says. Just like Nicole, Elle has already been caught cheating. And just like Nicole, Elle says this hasn’t stopped her from cheating. â€Å"I’ve been caught, and I just made pa-cute and joked around. I charmed the teacher,†she says. â€Å"Getting caught didn’t stop me from cheating. It empowered me even more.†CHEAT BUSTERS If cheating seems unavoidable, what can school administrations do? Preventing behavior like this from occurring in the first place seems to be the approach being taken by educational institutions. The De La Salle University, for instance, has a Discipline Office (DO), which promotes students discipline, maintains peace, order and cleanliness in the University, and seeks to prevent, rather than correct, unseemly student behavior. Nimpha Baldeo, the DO head, says that her office conducts regular seminars and lectures on values for teachers, parents, and students, and comes out with publications on these topics such as modules, a DO Guide, and a DO Bulletin. â€Å"Discipline awareness is also celebrated every October by the academic community with exhibits and forums to intensify the information drive on University policies, rules and regulations,†she says. â€Å"The University also recently established the Compliance Office to ensure that all significant requirements necessary for compliance with law, regulation, or other binding rules in and outside the University are in place.†Students who are caught cheating are not immediately suspended or expelled, rather, they are put under probation and exposed to a series of seminars and related activities on values formation and clarification. DLSU also curbs plagiarism and protects intellectual rights. Academic papers have to cite its sources, whether from open source references like Wikipedia or from traditional materials, and written permission from concerned faculty members are required if a student intends to submit the same work to another course for extra credit. A MATTER OF TRUST Alexandra (not her real name), a literature professor for two years at a prominent university in Quezon City, has a much more personal view of how to stop cheating among the student body. Alexandra says that in her short years of teaching, she has not yet encountered a case of cheating in her class. While part of this is because most of her examinations are essay-based, she also says that this is because she trusts that her students know better than to cheat. â€Å"When I give objective tests, I don’t patrol. You could say I don’t even really check,†she reveals. â€Å"I feel it’s a very obvious sign of not trusting them. These kids are in college. it’s no longer high school or grade school. What they do with their education is their business. I’m there to guide and instruct, but I’m not there to be their mother. Show them that you trust them somehow, and hopefully, they’ll live up to it.†Alexandra says that rather than looking to change how students behave, educators should instead look into themselves and find out if they are the ones contributing to the problem. â€Å"I think cheating can be curbed, because I honestly think that students cheat if they feel that it’s impossible,†she says. â€Å"And impossibility is a result of demanding too much output when you haven’t even put much in to begin with. If you’re a good educator, students won’t feel the need to cheat.†â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€œ [ 1 ]. New Republic, by Blaine Greteman, September 12, 2012 [ 2 ]. The New York Times, by Richard Perez-Peà ±a, September 7, 2012 [ 3 ]. New Republic, Kevin Carey, July 19, 2011 [ 4 ]. Manila Bulletin Publishing Corporation, Chico and Delamar, November 9, 2011 [ 5 ]. Manila Bulletin Publishing Corporation, Ronald S. Lim, November 12, 2009
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